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Driscoll Research Group


I am working on the development of forming-free low-power resistive memory for conventional and neuromorphic computing applications. I am mainly working on CMOS-compatible materials such as hafnium oxide. (Link to google scholar profile)

Before joining Prof. Driscolls' group, I received my PhD degree from Lund University in Sweden, where I worked on the electrical characterisation of gate oxide defects in III-V MOS transistors for high-frequency and low-power (tunnel transistor) applications. (Link to thesis)


Key publications: 

M. Hellenbrand, I. Teck, J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, "Progress of emerging non-volatile memory technologies in industry", MRS Communications, November 2024.

M. Hellenbrand, J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, "Multi-level resistive switching in hafnium-oxide-based devices for neuromorphic computing", Nano Convergence, September 2024

M. Hellenbrand, B. Bakhit, H. Dou, M. Xiao, M. O. Hill, Z. Sun, A. Mehonic, A. Chen, Q. Jia, H. Wang & J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, "Thin film design of amorphous hafnium oxide nanocomposites enabling strong interfacial resistive switching uniformity", Science Advances, June 2023

Other publications: 

M. Hellenbrand, E. Lind, O.-P. Kilpi & L.-E. Wernersson, "Effects of traps in the gate stack on the small-signal RF response of III-V nanowire MOSFETs", Solid-State Electronics, May 2020

M. Hellenbrand, O.-P. Kilpi, J. Svensson, E. Lind & L.-E. Wernersson, "Low-frequency noise in nanowire and planar III-V MOSFETs", Microelectronic Engineering, May 2019

M. Hellenbrand, E. Memisevic, M. Berg, O.-P. Kilpi, J. Svensson & L.-E. Wernersson, "Low-Frequency Noise in III-V Nanowire TFETs and MOSFETs", IEEE Electron Device Letters, September 2017

E. Memisevic, M. Hellenbrand, E. Lind, A. R. Persson, S. Sant, A. Schenk, J. Svensson, R. Wallenberg & L.-E. Wernersson, "Individual Defects in InAs/InGaAsSb/GaSb Nanowire Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors Operating below 60 mV/decade", Nano Letters, June 2017

Dr Markus Hellenbrand

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Person keywords: 
MOS transistors
Oxide defects
Forming-free resistive memory