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Driscoll Research Group


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I am Professor of Materials Science in Cambridge and Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies.  I am a Visiting Staff Member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. I was founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, APL Materials, from the American Institute of Physics and served until 2023. I am a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Materials Research Society, American Physical Society, IOM3, and IOP, Women Engineers Society and the American academy of Arts and Sciences.

My group's research is concerned with the nanoscale design and tuning of functional oxide thin film materials for energy efficient electronic applications. Our particular focus is oxide thin films owing to their wide range of functionalities and their stability. However, their compositions tend to be complex, defects are prevalent, and interface effects play a strong role. Also, for many applications device structural dimensions are required down to nanometre length-scales. Together, all these factors produce exciting challenges for the materials scientist.

We collaborate with several groups, including those in Cambridge and others around the world. We also work with industries in the UK and across the world.

Honours and Awards

Prof. Driscoll outside the Wren Library in Trinity College  

Prof. Driscoll outside the Wren Library in Trinity College

Prof. Driscoll was delighted to initiate, and organise with her excellent female academic collaborators and students, the first conference in Cambridge’s long history celebrating women in electronic materials, Femincam, hosted nearly 100 early career women in Cambridge to meet, give presentations and discuss challenges they may be facing in their careers. The joint report on the outcomes of the meeting will be uploaded soon. We hope to host this meeting on an annual basis. If anyone would like to help organise it, please contact Prof. Driscoll.

Women in Science

Prof. Driscoll mentors several younger female researchers in science. In a minority situation, and often in a very competitive situations, she understands the great need for mentors and friends. If anyone (wherever you are!) has any concerns or queries about their position or career path or anything, she is always happy to chat. The best way to contact her is to email her at: and with subject header, “women in science”, She will not be not acting in any formal capacity or on behalf of any organisation. 

Further Information

Click here for information on publications of Prof. Driscoll, her group and collaborators.


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