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Driscoll Research Group


I joined the group in October 2016, having just completed an MRes in Graphene Technology. I am part of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology, funded by EPSRC. I completed my undergraduate MEng degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Imperial College London
My primary research interests lie in exploring defect tolerant solar absorbers, mainly BiOI, and investigating the potential of two-dimensional materials, such as MoS2, for use as charge transport layers for improved solar cell efficiencies.


Key publications: 

L. C. Lee, T. N. Huq, J. L. MacManus-Driscoll and R. L. Z. Hoye, Research Update: Bismuth-based perovskite-inspired photovoltaic materials, APL Mater., 2018, 6, 084502.

R. L. Z. Hoye, L. C. Lee, R. C. Kurchin, T. N. Huq et al., Strongly Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance and Defect Physics of Air-Stable Bismuth Oxyiodide (BiOI), Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 1702176

 Tahmida   Huq

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Person keywords: 
Thin films interfaces