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Driscoll Research Group

Judith was very happy to visit Dr. Bill Welland, and alumnus of the department, in Somerton, Somerset.  Pictured here are Judith, Kelly, Bill and his wife Sarah.

Bill is extremely kind to donate funds to the Driscoll group (over the past 5+ years). The funds have been used to part pay the stipends of PhD students. These seeds funds have directly led to large new grants, numerous high quality papers, and a patent. A start-up company is also in the works. The funds have also directly benefited other academics and institutions in the UK.  The multiplication factor of the money is around a factor of 100. The team members who have been supported are all EU students (Netherlands, Germany and Ireland). Judith is so grateful for the big impact Bill has had on the lives of very bright PhD students and also on UK science and engineering in general.