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Driscoll Research Group

Science Festival

Where liquid nitrogen ice creams were served

For the 11th year running, we entertained guests in our “Science of Ice Cream” event at the Cambridge Science Festival, as highlighted in the Science Festival News Page. Extreme thanks to Mike Smith (for delivering an excellent talk!), to Bonan Zhu and Tahmida Huq in the Driscoll group for the overall organization, as well as to the many other student helpers, and to Trinity College for funding it. Thanks goes also to the Trinity College catering department for providing all the metal bowls, spoons and chefs’ hats.


This is always one of the most popular events at the Festival (see below the hundreds of eager people in the audience from 1 of the 2 sessions, waiting to learn and taste) and it is obvious why. One doesn’t just learn about the science of tiny ice crystal formation when liquid nitrogen is used to cool cream and make ice cream, but there is also the obligatory tasting of either chocolate or mixed berry flavours!
