Judith, her group and other members of the Materials Science dept. take part in the annual Cambridge Science Festival. We are very grateful to Trinity College for sponsoring the event.
Prof. Driscoll attends the COST TO BE Spring meeting in San Feliu
9 March 2018
She talks about the prospects and challenges of ALD for complex Oxides, with co-author Dr. Napari. The talk is based on a paper they have written for the '2018 Oxide Technology Roadmap'
We wish Dr. Federico Baittu well as he returns to IREC in Spain. Federico has been visiting us for 2 months and we look forward to future collaborations with him.
Dr. Mari Napari attended the COST Action HERALD Workshop in ICMAB Barcelona aimed for early career investigators (ECI) working in the field of ALD to create competitive proposals for joint, EU-funded research projects.
We welcome the visit by Dr. Wang from Applied Materials, CA, and from Dr. Moon and Dr. Lee from SuNAM, Korea, plus the associated visits to Tokomak Energy and to the dept. of electrical engineering at Univ. Bologna.
Dr. Rui Wu was invited to give a talk at the Conference on Electronic and Advanced Materials (EAM), Orlando, 18, Jan.,2018. He introduced his work on the in-situ electric field control of the magnetism in vertically aligned nanocomposites in the talk.